Indian Bollywood actress Sridevi Kapoor is seen during the 'Umang Mumbai Police Show 2018' in Mumbai on Jan 13, 2018. (AFP file photo)NEW DELHI - Bollywood superstar Sridevi Kapoor, considered by many to be one of the biggest names in Hindi cinema, has died after suffering a heart attack in Dubai, her family told PTI Sunday. Born Shree Amma Yanger Ayappan, Sridevi made her acting debut aged just four, and went on have a career spanning over four decades. She appeared in a string of blockbuster hit films including Chandni, Mr India, Mawali and Tohfa. She was awarded the Padma Shri, India's fourth highest civilian award, for her services to the film industry.
Source: Bangkok Post February 25, 2018 07:41 UTC